I started running in June 2010, working the c25k program. I am still working it (never quit!). Below is the visual representation of my progress, with the program week on the vertical axis and the date on the horizontal axis. The first drop in fitness represents the injunction of my program following a new job (hired at CSC) and the stress that comes with such a major life change. The stagnation over early 2011 represents the grief period dealing with my father’s death. The sudden drop at the end of the summer in 2011 represents the tendonitis injury I suffered by running the Chicago half marathon without adequate condition. The November 2011 stagnation represents the grief period dealing with my sister’s unexpected death. The minor blip in progress this spring represents a bout of bronchitis. I WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS PROGRAM. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP. I post this to show that the road to fitness for some can be very bumpy. You are not alone. Don’t give up! I encourage you to k...
Living for Today