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Showing posts from June, 2010

Couch to 5k: W1D2

History: w1d1 completed last week after 3 tries. criteria for completion was simply making it through all 8 jogging intervals without having to stop jogging during the run sections. Today I took at stab at successfully passing w1d2. My criteria for passing this day is that I finish all 8 intervals without feeling dizzy/pukey/jittery. I found last week (and again today) that by interval 7 I start feeling those things. I force myself to run through them, but I know it's not good/normal/healthy to be feeling those things during the cardio. I will keep repeating this day until I pass. I'd like to find out what is causing it- possible culprits include low blood pressure, low blood sugar, lack of oxygen (pushing my heart too hard/going about my max output), or heat exhaustion. It was cooler today- only in the 80s, so I don't think it was heat exhaustion. I'm going to take my pressure and sugar readings before and after my run on thurs to try to shed light on the problem...

C25k: W1D1 is DONE

I know you are all hanging with baited breath for my update. :) For the c25k program I worked on W1D1 again- third time is a charm! I made it through all 8 run intervals without having to walk any part of any of them. In fact the first 4 run intervals ended on the podcast before I was expecting them to and that gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I also noticed my inner thought dialogue changing from "is this over, when is this going to be over, how many more seconds can there be..argh..i don't know if i can make it" to "ok, keep my head up, that's better, this feels good, lift the legs up using muscle don't push down using bone, my form is good here, i wonder if i am going uphill slightly or down, hey look at that squirrel, etc". In other words able to let my mind wander because it's not consumed with thoughts of how much this sucks/how hard it is. I feel accomplished. The session also represents (don't laugh) my first full week in a lo...

c25k: W1D1 Repeat

  As I mentioned in my last post, I'm going to keep repeating days under c25k until i can complete them. Then move on to the next. Today was my second stab at w1d1 at the official 60/90 timed pace. Now that I know how long 60 seconds is (argh!) when timed properly I must say again that i don't think i could do this without the motivation of the podcast telling me when I'm done with each interval, pushing me to go on, and congratulating me when i make it through each interval. That rocks. I feed on praise. Last time (2 days ago) i could only make it to interval 5 before I had to quit and walk the rest of them. Today I made it to interval 6, had to stop and walk the last 30 seconds of interval 6, BUT was recovered and ready to run again my interval 7 so I ran interval 7 and 8.  Next time on Sat hopefully I will be able to do all 8 intervals and can cross w1d1 off my list. I realize this is going to be a long hard road but I'm encouraged and not going to give up. I...

C25k – Begins Again

I've been aware of the c25k program for a couple of months now and after seeing my friend begin the program and complete it successfully  and my husband working the program, I, being the competitive person that I am and having a desire to work on my fitness. thought I'd give it a go. Two problems have plagued me over the past month. First, I'm not very disciplined, so I'd start and stop week 1 repeatedly due to fatigue, shin splints, etc. I haven't yet made it all the way through one week of consistent cardio. Second, since I don't have a stopwatch, my timing of the 60/90 sec intervals has been off. I was using my strides (every time my left foot hit the ground) to count the seconds. Of course this leads to very uneven times as during the running sections the foot hits the ground in shorter intervals than during walking. This means my "60 seconds" of running moved much quicker than the first 60 seconds of my "90 seconds" of walking. To fi...

Rome 2010 Trip Report

New entry is up here: (I’ve dropped in favor of everlater which has even more fantastic features like facebook plug-in, etc). Technorati Tags: Rome , Travel

Dear Diary

Leather bound with crisp linen pages. Delicate paisley pastel illustrated with pink pages. Fractal pattern bursting with bright colors covering clean white pages. Each journal offering on display for sale at Barnes and Noble is  beautiful and tempting. I want to buy each one; to claim just a small corner of of the grand happiness in the universe that these books-as-a-work-of-art represent. I’m struck with the same impulse whenever I find myself browsing in Pier One. The store carries these delicate glass jars in different colors and shapes and they are things of great beauty in my eyes. I have discerned no practical purpose for the jars but I want to hold onto that fleeting feeling of joy that bursts inside when they are before me. In the same way, the journals are seemingly useless in my home. I don’t keep a personal bare-all-my-soul diary any longer. Jon had always advised me of the folly of committing momentary emotions to paper lest they prove to hurt another who might stumble...