I do not like McCain. I do not like McCain. I do not like McCain. I do not like Romney. I do not like Romney. I do not like Romney. According to the presidental candidate selector at selectsmart.com however, my results are shown below. Obviously I need to do more research on McCain to see if I can get over his angry-little-man personality and support him since apparently I do, in theory, agree with most of his positions. My big issues are foreign policy [do not give up on Iraq; support free trade], immigration [increase legal immigration;offer a guest worker program and amnesty, build a fence for security going forward], lower taxes, absolute opposition to universal health care, support of 2nd amendment gun rights, and in general a president who will discourage congress from getting involved in domestic issues they have no constitutional jurisdiction over [like marriage, divorce, funding for the arts, etc, etc]. 1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%) 2. Alan Keye...
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