Hello. Did you miss me? In case you hadn’t noticed I was out of the country for the past 2 weeks. (Thanks to Jeanette for noticing!)
As is my usual m.o., I’ve written all about our adventures and included plenty of pictures as well. I use travbuddy.com – a popular travel community- to do my travel blogging. So you will need to follow this link to view the blog of our trip and see the pictures. You don’t have to sign up for anything and you can read all the entries without having to become a travbuddy member [although if you do become a travbuddy member, make sure to add me to your friends list].
At this point I’ve only filled in entries and pictures for the first 5 days, so you will need to bookmark the site and check back later this week to read entries for days 6 – 12. Tell me what you think. You can comment on the travbuddy.com site, on my regular blog here, or send me email. Love to hear from you.
Here is the link to my travbuddy travel blog: http://www.travbuddy.com/travel-blogs/22977