Life continues to be pretty good, despite a few minor annoyances.
I lost six pounds this week. A lot of exercise (3 walks with my walking group on top of my regular cardio/weight lifting AND a focused effort on watching calories). Plenty of fiber (this has been my biggest secret to weight loss so far - loading up on high soluble fiber foods), and remembering to take my multivitamin every day (which is also making my skin softer and my hair glossy).
Getting everything in place for the big party on Saturday. Expecting 30+ people to descend upon our house. I'm cooking up a 4 course buffet with a lot of food and I hope it will be a success. It's going to included smoked salmon and ribs, duck quesadillas, and baked Alaska, among other items.
Annoyances include a speeding ticket (78 in 55 - $177 fine ouch!) and a strange conversation with a woman in my walking group. We were chatting about work - hers - and she mentioned she is struggling with her new job and not getting along with her supervisor at all. She asked me if I ever had a black boss and I said "What?" and looked at her funny because I didn't understand where that question came from all of a sudden. I said no (completely forgetting that my proj mgr last year is black; that's how much I pay attention. Its like asking me if I ever had a red headed boss. Who pays attention?) She went on to say that her boss was rude and aggressive and overly demanding. I still did not see what that had to do with being black, but apparently in her mind it was somehow related. She pontificated that she had observed this new supervisor talking about race a lot and that it made her feel uncomfortable. Always bringing it into the conversation. Well, ok, that is a bit strange - who does that?- but I still don't see overall how she can assume that being black is somehow tied to being rude or aggressive or hostile. Apparently her circle of white people has been pretty limited if she's never had a white person be rude to her. Or maybe (probably!) she has and just not attributed it to their race. So overall my reflection on her, just based on this brief conversation, is that she harbors some sort of racism. It always shocks me when I hear that kind of nonsense from someone. I can't believe its 2008 and some people are still making character assumptions based on someone's race. I think its absurd and no different than trying to use eye color or hair color or height to divine character and personality.
In other news, have you seen EPT's new commercial and ad slogan? Their new slogan is "the most advanced technology you will ever pee on" . Makes me giggle.
And, last but not least, my sister-in-law Melissa was on national t.v. last night! It was a segment of HGTV's show Designed to Sell. The clip of her appearance is here :