Note: Buzz, Michael, and Wild-r-f – I cannot reply to your entries that you leave on the lj site since the feed doesn’t allow anonymous comments and I don’t always even see them unless I remember to visit my feed entries there since I don’t get email notification when you’ve left comments there.
If you want me to be able to answer questions you ask me in your comments you’ve got to click-through to the actual blog (link is always under the title of the entry) and leave your comments on the actual blog instead of the lj feed.
So the plan *was* for J to take my car to work this morning, dropping off the pups at the kennel for boarding over the holiday on the way to work. I was going to drive his car to work and then drop it off at the dealer on the way to A’s house because the “steering wheel lock malfunction” warning light keeps coming on and causing odd problems such as preventing you from turning the car off, or preventing you from turning it back on. Late last night the light came on again while we were taking things out of the car at home. The car would not shut off. Eventually the electrical system ran the battery down and we had to call SAAB roadside assistance to tow the car to the dealer. Great, one less thing I have to do today. Except that I had no way to get to work this morning so J had to drop me off at the VRE station on the way to the kennel. In order to make the train that would get me to
So to stay awake, I will dive into work, and pep myself up on breaks with visits to some of my favorite internet funnies. I share them here with you for your entertainment. All links are safe for work. Enjoy.
Also, buzz,
I’ll blog from
List of best internet funnies: Cat Macros The bible, written in cat macro language. Hysterical! Pachelbel’s Rant – who knew how overused this chord was? Grocery Store Wars (in the vein of Star Wars)