I'm looking for the words to describe a situation that is sad and happy at all once, depending on which party to the situation you interview. Not the good kind of sad either such as weddings sad or sending kids off to college sad, but plain old-fashioned rip your heart out sadness. Today the remaining four sets of bone china that we needed to complete our service for twelve arrived in the mail. As we've continue to build and strengthen our marriage over the course of almost twelve years we've also taken steps to build our china collection. It came to us by way of a divorcing couple who chose to sell their place settings on Ebay for next to nothing. The place settings arrived, new in their elegantly themed gift boxes, the delicate wedding ribbons still fashioned around the boxes a luxurious bows. So incredibly sad. Log onto Ebay.com at any time and you can peruse the remains of divorcing couples whose hopes and dreams were once focused on the joy that they were sure the future held for their marriage.
When we sit down together as husband and wife to enjoy a special meal preparedly lovingly and served on these place settings I will remember the hopes and dreams of marital joy those from whom we received the china held and resolve to fulfill them vicariously on their behalf. I will remember not to take my sweet husband for granted; I will cherish him, and the life we have built together for always.