So onto my update. I am doing GREAT. I am practically bursting at the seams with joy and smiles. I really feel that this decade- my 30s- is shaping up to be the best of my life so far. I'm feeling pretty close to God lately and making time to worship. I love my work and my coworkers are fabulous. I really feel challenged and stimulated by my tasks at work. Jon and I are doing great in the marriage department. My townhouse has a lovely new kitchen since I accidentally burned our old one down back in January. This year we did our first international trip (to Belize) and between now and December I am scheduled for a lot of travels including Miami, Mexico, NYC (two times), Las Vegas, New Mexico, Peru, and Paris. I am so excited about getting off this continent finally! My parents are moving here next month from NM so that will be good to have them close and be able to help them out. I am still consistently working on toning my body with all my walking this summer and its starting to show (people are commenting). Making new friends, enjoying the ones I already have. And if life wasn't perfect enough, today I managed to get a new INSTINCT phone for free through my contacts at the company. I wake up each morning with a rush, eager to see what the new day is going to bring in terms of adventures. Of course, being human, I am keenly aware that my life is just a little *too* perfect (which seems unnatural) and so in the back of my mind I am anxious about what might suddenly go wrong and upset my joy.