I know you are all hanging with baited breath for my update. :)
For the c25k program I worked on W1D1 again- third time is a charm! I made it through all 8 run intervals without having to walk any part of any of them. In fact the first 4 run intervals ended on the podcast before I was expecting them to and that gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I also noticed my inner thought dialogue changing from "is this over, when is this going to be over, how many more seconds can there be..argh..i don't know if i can make it" to "ok, keep my head up, that's better, this feels good, lift the legs up using muscle don't push down using bone, my form is good here, i wonder if i am going uphill slightly or down, hey look at that squirrel, etc". In other words able to let my mind wander because it's not consumed with thoughts of how much this sucks/how hard it is.
I feel accomplished. The session also represents (don't laugh) my first full week in a long long time of cardio without quitting halfway through or skipping a day I was supposed to work out. I'm doing weight training about 2 hours after each run (so 3x a week) and so it is also the first full week of weight training without missing an intended session either. So far no weight loss though, but I heard that is common during the first week or two as your muscles retain some water under the new demands you place on them. Long term most ppl I know who finish c25k starting out overweight lose about 20-25pounds (whereas the skinnies who do the program lose maybe 5 if at all). I think most of that happens in the later part of the program though.
Happy Saturday!