There is something really special about having a window into the lives of people who are following after God and living according to his will. Our God is no cookie cutter; he has designed each person to contribute to his kingdom in their own unique ways and so each story of purpose plays out a bit differently. Despite this variance in application, every story of purpose evidences the joy and peace of being in alignment with the Creator.
I am blessed; I have the pleasure of counting among my acquaintances several people who are earnestly following after Christ and making something beautiful of their lives in partnership with God. Particularly on my mind this week are a couple we’ve known for a handful of years who recently welcomed a new baby into their family. With one brilliant, well-behaved, and sweet natured child born to them already, they’ve managed to make parenthood look effortless and fun. The same beauty and moving in step with God can be seen when I view the experiences of my gifted artist and musician friends; their lives are inspiring and brimming with talent and joy. These stories of precisely *how* God is working in my friends’ lives are very different from my own story. At times it is tempting for me to peer through my little window into their beautiful lives and long for their stories; for that sort of happy parenthood for Jonathan and myself or for the artist’s eye for capturing beauty with canvas or instrument. But I know, realistically, that our story of children would play out differently (and likely more chaotically), and any attempt to write my life into a story of a fine artist would be laughable. I have my own story and it too is joyful, purposeful, and lovely.
I take great pleasure in introspecting on the ways God uses each of us so differently, crafting beautiful lives with us in the process. It stirs similar feelings within me to when I view a majestic mountain or the seemingly endless ocean from shore. God is amazing; his work in the world, both in nature and in the lives of those around us, is ever present and evident. Are you looking for it? Do you see it?