Suddenly life just got strange. Really strange. Twilight zone strange.
Every Friday that we are both in town, hubby and I go out for a date. Tonight we entertained ourselves with movie and a dinner to follow. We saw Jurassic Park in 3D and it was just as gripping as the first time we saw it all those years ago while dating. I loved it! I enjoyed the edge of my seat roller coaster ride feeling for almost two hours.
As an homage to the old days I chose Little Caesar’s for dinner. Pizza Pizza! We arrived at the restaurant and I asked Jonathan if we should order a large pizza. I was concerned because most of the pricing on the menu seems to imply a large pizza is the default size now and since the restaurant always gives you two pizzas (Pizza Pizza!) that would mean taking home two large pizzas, which would be too much food. Jon whispered that he isn’t sure they are still offering two pizzas and I rolled my eyes and laugh. OF COURSE they still give you two pizzas (Pizza Pizza!), THAT’S THEIR ENTIRE MARKETING GIMMICK. I turned to the young lady behind the counter and prompted her to confirm for dear hubby that yes, they serve 2 pizzas.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Ma’am. We don’t serve two pizzas unless you pay for two.”
“You know, Pizza Pizza!”, I say enthusiastically while I continue to grin.
“Uh, two pizzas?”
I frown. My eyebrows furrow. I begin to explain to the girl the “Pizza Pizza” ad campaign that was the essence of Little Caesars the last time I visited one of their restaurants. “You know, in 1989”, I giggle as I continue jokingly, “Maybe you weren’t born yet” (which is ridiculous of course because she’s clearly an adult and anyone born after the 80s would be a kid).
“I was born in 1995. But two pizzas makes a lot of sense.”
Now my concentration was torn between two complex brain teasers. First, how on earth could Little Caesar’s drop the entire concept that makes it famous? Second, how could a living breathing adult standing before me be born in 1995? I mean in 1995 I was only 19. I was graduating from college. Jon and I were engaged. I was barely out of childhood myself. Everyone I know who was born in the 90s is still a kid (take my lovely niece Alli for example). I mean, I suppose in theory, given the math, it is possible for someone to be born in the 90s and have reached adulthood but I hadn’t met any of these mythical creatures of possibility. That would mean that an entire conception-birthing-rearing-raising cycle of a generation had passed SINCE I was 19. Which isn’t really something I can wrap my mind around since that was like, what, yesterday – and raising a generation takes a long long time. Like 18 years long! Which is, did I mention a very long time conceptually.
Yet this girl kept standing there behind the counter breathing and ..and..BEING…as if it was no big deal. I didn’t even feel old in that moment. I felt other-worldly. Twilight zone tingly. Like we all felt when the closing credits began to roll after “The Matrix”.
Is this my new reality? There are ADULTS roaming the world who weren’t alive before I myself was a grown up?
Normally I like to wrap up my little notes here with something clever or wistful to leave you with a thought for you to ponder until you read my writing again. But tonight I got nothing; nothing I can add to bring closure to this of out-of-body feeling. There is a clear cognitive dissonance I suffer from in reconciling what 20 years seems conceptually (seems a very long time) and what 20 years looks like in practice when reflecting on them passed (seems like yesterday).