Friday morning in Seattle (look for an upcoming trip report post soon!) I made time to tackle W4D1 again. As you may remember I attempted but did not complete D1 earlier in the same week, falling short by one minute and 30 seconds of the total run time.
My run began a bit stiff – perhaps because it felt cooler than back home in northern VA and my muscles were not as loose - but I made it through the full session (16 minutes of running total) without a problem. I didn’t enjoy it though. I’m going to be really bummed if I finish the c25k program and discover that I actually don’t like running. I’m hoping it was just a bad session.
I should have completed both d2 and d3 prior to today, but I let my soreness from hiking 10 miles up some challenging trails on Mt Rainier over the weekend and then my exhaustion from the redeye flight home on Monday get in the way of finishing the week.
Cannot let my discipline continue to slip!
I will run c25k: W4d2 today.
Here are my stats for Friday’s run in Seattle: